Writing For
From Jeremy Keith's What the world needs:
If we’re going to be hardnosed about this, then the world doesn’t need any more books. The world doesn’t need any more music. The world doesn’t need art. Heck, the world doesn’t need us at all.
So don’t publish for the world.
When I write something here on my website, I’m not thinking about the world reading it. That would be paralyzing...
I’m writing for myself. I write to figure out what I think. I also publish mostly for myself—a public archive for future me. But if what I publish just happens to connect with one other person, I’m glad.
Just came across this from earlier in March and forgot that I 1.) already read it and 2.) got great inspiration from it. It's an especially hard problem when worrying about being original on the entire internet. But, as Jeremy points out earlier in the post, you don't have to be original.